When | Title (EN) | |
25/10/2024 (10:30:00-11:30:00)
Developing STEAM projects with micro:bit
25/10/2024 (10:30:00-11:30:00)
Easy STM32 programming with STM32CubeIDE
25/10/2024 (11:45:00-12:45:00)
Art & Technology: 3D Pen
25/10/2024 (12:00:00-13:00:00)
Building your automotive prototype in the fast and flexible AutoDevKit development environment
25/10/2024 (12:00:00-13:30:00)
Are you Fit for 55? The Adiconsum's position paper for a digital and sustainable home
25/10/2024 (14:30:00-16:00:00)
Round Tables Maker Faire Rome - I-RIM -Robotics Young Talents
25/10/2024 (15:00:00-16:00:00)
Getting started with STM32duino and Arduino libraries for ST MEMS sensor boards
25/10/2024 (16:30:00-17:30:00)
Robotics with Robot Master: smart basket
25/10/2024 (16:30:00-17:30:00)
Precence and Occupancy Detection
26/10/2024 (10:30:00-11:30:00)
Art & Technology: 3D Pen
26/10/2024 (10:30:00-11:30:00)
Getting started with STM32-Nucleo and ST MEMS boards with MEMS Studio
26/10/2024 (10:30:00-11:30:00)
D3 4 Health Foundation: Advancing Wearable Technologies, Sensors, and Biomarkers for Care through Digital Twin Approaches.
26/10/2024 (11:00:00-12:30:00)
Round Tables Maker Faire Rome - I-RIM Robotics and Society 5.0
26/10/2024 (12:00:00-13:00:00)
Artificial Neural Networks on microcontrollers with STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud
26/10/2024 (13:00:00-14:00:00)
Developing STEAM projects with micro:bit
26/10/2024 (15:00:00-16:00:00)
Graphic user interfaces with STM32 and TouchGFX Designer
26/10/2024 (16:30:00-17:30:00)
STM32 MPU expansion boards with connected modules
26/10/2024 (16:30:00-17:30:00)
Robotics with ring:bit: controlled vehicle
27/10/2024 (10:30:00-11:30:00)
Discover the microscopic world
27/10/2024 (10:30:00-11:30:00)
Building your automotive prototype in the fast and flexible AutoDevKit development environment
27/10/2024 (11:45:00-12:45:00)
Developing STEAM projects with micro:bit
27/10/2024 (12:00:00-13:00:00)
Easy STM32 programming with STM32CubeIDE
27/10/2024 (13:00:00-14:00:00)
Art & Technology: 3D Pen
27/10/2024 (16:30:00-17:30:00)
Robotics with Smart Robot: smart container
27/11/2024 10:00:00-10:50:00
Percorsi educativi nel settore della sicurezza agroalimentare
27/11/2024 (12:30:00-13:15:00)
How the "technologies" available in nature contain within their structure information that is potentially accessible and useful for reflecting on and inspiring a paradigm shift in individuals and communities
27/11/2024 (13:30:00-14:15:00)
Integrated Design for Inclusive Didactics: conceptual frameworks, methodologies and technological devices
27/11/2024 15:00:00-15:50:00
Nuove tecnologie riabilitative: gli esoscheletri Twin e FloatEvo
27/11/2024 (15:30:00-16:15:00)
Assemble Sound, Build Solidarity
27/11/2024 16:00:00-16:50:00
Building your automotive prototype in the fast and flexible AutoDevKit development environment
27/11/2024 (16:30:00-17:15:00)
Future Orientation and Professions
27/11/2024 17:00:00-17:50:00
OMNYQR PROJECT - Application usage modes, user types, and technical features.
27/11/2024 (17:30:00-18:15:00)
Financial Education for Youth
28/11/2024 (09:30:00-10:15:00)
La ricerca accademica e le nuove piattaforme basate sull'intelligenza artificiale generativa
28/11/2024 11:00:00-11:50:00
D3 4 Health: Wearable technologies, graphene-based sensors and devices
28/11/2024 (11:30:00-12:15:00)
Olivetti Programma 101 e NASA: the true story of Apollo 11 mission
28/11/2024 12:00:00-12:50:00
Easy STM32 programming with STM32CubeIDE
28/11/2024 (12:30:00-13:15:00)
Integration between Universities and Industry: Opportunity or Necessity?
28/11/2024 (13:30:00-14:15:00)
Geographic tools and methods for the mapping of the Italian Alta Murgia’s dry-stone walls.
28/11/2024 (14:30:00-15:15:00)
NOT A LIMIT, BUT A CHANCE IT Presentation of the research project and CHANCE IT methodology
28/11/2024 (15:30:00-16:15:00)
Artistic craftsmanship and digital technologies: a possible combination?
28/11/2024 16:00:00-16:50:00
Getting started with STM32duino and Arduino libraries for ST MEMS sensor boards
28/11/2024 (16:30:00-17:15:00)
29/11/2024 (09:30:00-10:15:00)
A new Monte-Carlo simulator for studying particle dynamics in matter
29/11/2024 12:00:00-12:50:00
Artificial Neural Networks on microcontrollers with STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud
29/11/2024 (14:30:00-15:15:00)
Build a digital hourglass with Arduino a gyroscope and 2 8x8 led matrix
29/11/2024 (15:30:00-16:15:00)
Civic Defence: Citizen Science as a possible approach against the risk of landslides
29/11/2024 16:00:00-16:50:00
Getting started with STM32-Nucleo and ST MEMS boards with MEMS Studio
29/11/2024 (16:30:00-17:15:00)
Phygital Playground for Creative Young Problem Solvers
Built with Bobuild